Airplane Stories and My Life as a Human Being

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I am a former U.S. Naval Aviator and recently retired Captain for a major U.S. airline. I love to write, read, walk and laugh. I have started a new blog named "Endless Travels: the Life and Times of an Airline Pilot". It can be found at I will concentrate stories about aviation on that blog, leaving SheerProfundity for other stories I may write. "Endless Travels" is a rather pedestrian effort to share some of the experiences I have had as a pilot, both Military and Civilian. After 42 years of flying I must say "I got a million of them". Also, on "My Endless Travels" there will be occasion to offer traveling advice from the Captain's perspective. Some may find this helpful in today's rather stressful traveling environment. Note: I have moved a number of aviation postings over from my this blog to Please feel free to check out both blogs. Thanks! ALL STORIES CONTAINED HEREIN AND ON THE BLOG "MY ENDLESS TRAVELS' ARE COPYRIGHTED BY T.I. MELDAHL, YEAR 2000

Saturday, November 19, 2016

I have returned! It seems I have been on an extended albeit self imposed sabbatical from writing but I have returned and I look forward to passing along more airline stories to anyone who wishes to read them. Today, though I am to a degree handicapped because  I am typing with my right hand alone having recently undergone corrective surgery on the left This entry will be short.
Be that as it may, my brain has not stopped working and I am excited to pass along more stories of my adventures as a pilot of 42 years,
Also, I am going to start a new segment called "Could this really happen?". It will include stories about things that may or may not have occurred to myself and others while in the performance of their duties as flight crew. You will be the judge as to whether or not you think "This could really happen".

Stories like:
"Has there ever been a fist fight between two pilots while flying?"
"What do pilots actually do on while in the air on international or domestic flights?".
"Did "Sully" get it right?".
"Do pilots ever let politics get in the way of safely completing flights?"
Those stories and others are coming your way.

That is it for now. The right hand grows weary of typing.
Thank you.
